Jason Summers MA LMHC
Therapeutic Approach
My approach to psychotherapy and counseling is collaborative rather than prescriptive. By approaching the work we do together in a supportive and collaborative dialogue, my hope is to create the conditions where insight and understanding is made possible. This is what allows us to forge new ways of being in the world and to create the lives for ourselves and for those around us that we long for.
Therapy is a natural support that can help a person better understand themselves and their circumstances in the world. When we approach our difficulties with the understanding that struggle and challenges are a normal part of life, this allows us to have more compassion for ourselves and others. There is no single therapeutic approach that can be applied to all situations. Each person is a unique and complex individual with a diversity of experiences. Psychotherapy is a process of discovery where we learn how to face our challenges with more awareness and compassion. Increased understanding and a capacity to adapt to changing circumstances are often the results of our efforts.
Some of the theoretical perspectives that have most influenced my thinking and approach to therapy are relational psychoanalysis, interpersonal neurobiology, existential psychotherapy, and meditation and contemplative practice.
Some areas of focus include:
*Relational struggles
*Parenting and Family issues
*Grief and loss
*Gender identity
*Mindfulness and Spirituality

Psychotherapy is about creativity: courageously claiming the personal freedom to express ourselves constructively in the world to our fullest potential.
- Stephen Diamond
Memberships and affiliations:
*Washington Counseling Association
*Northwest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study (NWAPS)
*International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP)
Registered in the State of Washington LH60914024